Trying to modify a row by a layout deleting content of a column

Hi mates! I’m trying to modify a row with a button and what I want to do is clearing content of a column but I can’t, anyone knows how can I do it??? Thanks in advance

Hi @Francisco_Javier_Onate_Cebrian and Welcome to the Community :partying_face: !

Something like this ? :blush:

The action formula within the Clear button in the table is this one:

thisRow.ModifyRows(thisRow.[To clear], "")

Hi @Francisco_Javier_Onate_Cebrian,

do you want a table with a button in every row or do you want to clear all values (of all rows) in a table? If you want the first thing, @Pch already built a great solution. Otherwise you have to create a button that modifies all rows from your target table and sets the value to “” - just as here:

Feel free to respond if you need any further support.


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