Trying to recreate events each week

I’m working on a scheduling app and trying to have each week’s events that are repeatable recreated each week on Friday at 12am pac so that our manager can make schedule for the following week. I’ve tried to do this in automation by doing:

Every Friday at 12am pac

[Master Log of All Events].Filter([Repeat Next Week Same Time?]=true AND (([Start Date and Time]> Now()-Days(4) AND ([Start Date and Time]<= Now()+Days(3)))))

^ this would return list all events for the current week (monday at 12am to sunday night at midnight) that are repeatable

I’m not sure what to do here. Step 2 result is not an option and I don’t think I can say thisRow.

Any ideas on how to grab each row one by one in step 3? That way I can just say add a row for each one with a week later start date and time

Hi @Ryan_Bonhardt one way to do this would be to add a Button column to your table that copies the row and is only enabled if this condition is true - [Master Log of All Events].Filter([Repeat Next Week Same Time?]=true and (([Start Date and Time]> Now()-Days(4) AND ([Start Date and Time]<= Now()+Days(3)))))

Then you can have an automation on Friday that pushes all buttons in that column.