Hi all,
This is something I can’t get my head around for some reason!
I’m managing a few soccer leagues, getting people registered then getting paid back for them, coordinating shirt purchases, etc. I’ve been looking for a simple way to manage this as a gateway to understanding Coda a little better for work purposes.
What I have right now is a Coda doc with a ‘leagues’ table and a ‘players’ table. Each league costs a certain amount per person, and some people are signed up for one or both leagues. To link the data, I can either have a lookup Player column in the League table, or a lookup League column in the Player table. However, I am unclear on how to build on that link in the same table. For instance, I would love a checkbox or button that indicates the Player has paid me back for the league, so that it automatically reduces that amount from what they owe. What am I missing here? How do I get tables to share the rest of the row’s data from a lookup column?
I want to solve this in kind of a smart way because I want to use this doc ongoing. I want to add leagues and players over time without having to code in amounts over and over again.
I’ve watched all the schema videos, read the lookup guide, and still can’t figure out how this works!
Thank you!!
Hi Tim,
I am Krunal, one of the engineer at Coda. and here’s what I have come up. does it work for you needs?
here is the documentPlayers and Leagues
Look up on League
formula on players
Formula for Total Dues
Hi Krunal,
Thanks for your response! For some reason this isn’t working for me. Even though certain people are signed up to each league, they are all showing up as being on both leagues. I believe I am using the exact same formula as you… any idea why that would be?
could you please share your document? you can share with support@coda.io and I will take a look right away. Thanks.
I know this was a response for Tim, but I would like to be able to see your examples as a reference. When I click on your links it says this site can’t be reached.
Dear @Jennifer_Biggs,
When you open Players and Leagues, it will be in the “View Only” mode.
You should just copy the doc as in the screenshot:
Then when you go in this doc, the formulas used are visible as shown in the screenshot below:
I hope that this explanation has been helpful to learn to discover the potential of Coda.
@Krunal_Sheth, the links you created seem not be valid for this user:

Jean Pierre
Hi Krunal~
I clicked on your Players & Leagues (thanks for sharing) and it now shows in my list of documents and I cannot delete it. Any way to remove me?
Dear @Krista_Remi
The doc page contains several sections (see screenshot below)
In “All docs” you see and the docs that are shared with you, so you can open them and create a copy.
In “created by me” you see only the docs you made yourselve including the shared ones that you took a copy from.
“starred” is the latest added option, to select (STAR) your most important docs to have them easy accessable
Note the docs are not considered as occupying place on G Drive!
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