As per this request by @Glenn_Robb I’m after basically the same thing: formulas which have very large fonts. This would be for statistics which catch the eye but which are dynamic e.g. on a dashboard. I’d also prefer it if we didn’t have to tangle with a Details view to add them.
I did try the solution @Paul_Danyliuk posted there but can’t see the H0 Lite option for text available anymore and assume it’s been deprecated.
@Agile_Dynamics I used @Paul_Danyliuk 's amazing thread on svg’s and the mind map stuff to create SVG representations of the large, bold font statistics that I want: I’ve set out a table like Paul’s to create a data URI from the svg, and I can use the Data URI formula to dynamically change the value of the text - so use the same treatment to get all the different images. Easy enough but…
Since I can’t put formulas in cells, only in columns, how do I dynamically change the valve of the first cell which contains my statistic (so each row results in a different image)? Do I really need to have a new table for every stat?
How do I embed my generated image into the body of a doc? Seems like there’s only an option to add images there rather than image url types. Embed doesn’t seems to work and nor does link
well done - sound like you have learned much - just a little ways to go
i will take a look into this tomorrow morning
can you share your document (or the subset that we can look at)
then we will have a better idea how to help
Hey @Agile_Dynamics, thanks for the reply. I’m not sure how to share a subset of the doc without the private info in. There’s a bunch of customer info in there with prices etc. right now.
Here’s what I have right now, which pretty does what I’m after with limitations. It’s a card viewing a single column / field of a single row table which is computing the stat:
Have multiple rows here, each with a different statistic in - computed live, rather than have a new table for each one.
Have some other method other than cards, to drop the image on the front page e.g. just a /image which I can then easily resize. Cards are OK but you can’t drag them to size like you can an image.