When writing comments, CFL editor should not auto-insert paired characters like quotes and brackets

When writing regular ol’ CFL, it is helpful that typing a single quote ' causes Coda to insert the required closing quote ', resulting in '' with my cursor in between them. Handy.

However, this behaviour should be disabled when I’m in the midst of writing a CFL comment.

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Hey @Nick_HE ! Sorry to hear you’re running into this issue. Our team has requested a screen recording displaying this issue so they can properly test and report this issue. I’ll keep an eye out for your response :smile:

Hi @Shaina_Torgerson , to reproduce just type this in any formula editor:

/* '


// '

It will incorrectly add a second ' character.

Thanks for following up about this issue. After following up with this information, our team was able to reproduce the issue and added your report. Somebody from the Coda team will be following up with any updates on this issue. Thanks for hanging in there!