A novel writing helper ideas? (Split formula?)

I’m using Coda now for story writing.

I have a table that’s just scenes – scene title, scene text, etc… and have multiple views of that table, including one that shows the full text of the scene and one that shows just the summary list.

I have a table that’s stories, with story titles, linked to the scene table. I have a formula field for “full story text” that concatenates all the individual scene texts.

I have table with characters, that automatically lists all the scenes where that character is mentioned. I’m currently setting up a similar table for locations.

I have a section of tables with default variables – current scene, current view – so I can easily navigate between everything.

I have a table of questions that need to be answered, a table of to-do lists, all references back to the stories they belong to.

The WordCount workaround is here: Word Count - Word Processing Features

Here’s how I set up my buttons to jump to individual scenes: Create button to go to related record?

I’m planning to make it available as a template once I’m done building all the functionality, but right now, Coda seems to give me everything I need.

The only thing I need to do outside Coda is to create a Word document, and I do this by cutting and pasting the full story text. I’m looking forward to Coda getting “export as Word” or “export as PDF” functionality – that’s all I’m missing before I can move all my company workflow over.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about specific parts, at maria@korolov.com
