Ability to make comments in formulas

Reposted under my Community account.

It’s not the best term. To avoid confusion I like to use “formula comments”. However, even that is odd in an environment that uses the term to describe conversations about a particular page, row, or text snippet.

Formula comments is a new idea; can’t think of a single formulaic product that supports them except Coda. And to be slightly more pedantic, a comment is not a conversation until there’s a comment about a comment. :wink:

In the world of Coda, we can all agree that the term comments is contextual; they exist in code, formulas, and content. Where else might this term collide?

Someday (I predict), Coda will support a true Markdown canvas. When that happens we won’t feel the need for comments until MyST or something like MDX are supported. Complex objects that are hydrated independently of the entire document, begin to suggest it’s part markup and part functioning code.

MyST, for example includes Frontmatter -

And a block like this is instantly recognizable as a Coda callout.

And, of course, some flavors of Markdown support commenting:

[comment]: <> (This is a comment, it will not be included)
[comment]: <> (in  the output file unless you use it in)
[comment]: <> (a reference style link.)

Why does all of this matter?

Two things come to mind -

  1. Markdown is easy to generate; Coda’s underlying formatting is not. The globe is on a tear to automate and Markdown is one pathway to automating typographical outcomes where portability is a requirement.
  2. AI. Utilizing content in Markdown format as a training set for AI embeddings or refined models is far easier than transforming proprietary format patterns.

In a world where localized AI models will be required and content generation is more automated, Markdown comments appear to play a role that allow us to create embedded signals that can benefit all sorts of solutions.

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Haha, indeed you are correct!

Oh wow yes, I see what you are saying. It seems an issue we have generally is the continual creation of proprietary formatting / tools / standards etc. where everyone is “reinventing the wheel” in these silos.

This would make sense as it seems Coda is attempting to be the central hub where we can start to break the silo problem, and create more connectivity across tools. Supporting Markdown would create some very interesting opportunities…

Thank you @Bill_French for your insights!

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