Acknowledging engaged community members

Continuing the discussion from Launched: Coda 2.0, a simpler, cleaner, and faster doc for teams:

Most of the 10 individuals on this list have shared a compilation doc or have split their assistance towards others in the coda forum into many individual docs. The Discourse metrics also tell the story (days visited, read time, recent read time, topics viewed, posts read, :heart: given, :heart: received, & :ballot_box_with_check: solutions).

re: referral program I hope the coda team does its best to avoid this common trap :point_right: if a user sends coda new subscribers… the user gets account credit. If a user helps coda retain existing subscribers… the user gets nothing.

Notable Examples of leaders becoming ghosts

  1. :point_down:
(click to expand) Rohan's comment


  1. :point_down:
(click to expand) Lloyd's comment


  1. :point_down:
(click to expand) Nick's activity


  1. :point_down:
(click to expand) Filmos's comment



Hey @jeo, thanks for the mention. Overall I still like Coda and wish them the best, but the pipe dream of “the perfect tool to help me build my perfect tool” is just that, a pipedream. At the end of the day the technology must be limited to allow the majority of users a good experience. Coda started to become this way and I decided to move back to more established tools that at least had solid features.

With respect to “excellence needs recognition,” I am flattered you grouped me into that category but there are many more people on this platform that dedicated their time to this community much more than I did. Hopefully they got something much more deserving than the 90$ and “use by this date or lose it” slap in the face that I did.
