Add new values to select list or other table from row input

I can’t seem to get this part functioning. This function allows automatic creation of new entry:


But when I add a filter to the function, it stops providing the “+” dialogue:

I tried switching the order of the filters and that did not work either.

Let me know if I’m mis-interpreting your quoted text above.


This is super cool and well-designed (especially with filtering etc). I have a situation where this functionality is actually a drawback though.

I have a table of tasks that I assign to people using a lookup column (with multi-select), which references a table of people.

For speed, I often type rather than use the dropdown (quickly type part of their name and then hit enter-enter to confirm). This is usually great, but making a typo results in a new record being created in the people table.

Suggested solutions:

  1. In the info popup that appears at the bottom of the screen, notifying me that a record has been created in the other table, give me a “no thanks” button to cancel new record creation
  2. Or, require some different keyboard input before new record creation (down arrow?). It’s cool that “enter” is currently a speed bump, but “enter-enter” is already how you confirm your text when using a multi-select lookup column

@nigel A welcomed phase 3 to this feature would be the ability to add multiple linked rows via buttons/automation/zapier.

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Hi Michael, that’s a really interesting scenario. You can already accomplish this using a table bound select list. See below for an example. Here I use a button to add a new row to my options table - you’ll see the new option is pickable in the select control. You can obviously add rows to your options table by automations, API, etc. Take care not to add duplicate options as that might cause user confusion.


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@nigel I found something interesting :
When I add a tag to a new row from zapier (Button with text field) to a table that has a tag column from a lookup , there is an error. That means that I can’t add tags from outside if it is not directly in the tag table.

Dear @nigel

I have a problem, I mean, I created a table that contains two columns, one of them is a cathegory, and the other is about objects that belong to the cathegories on the column 1.

Column 1: Food type Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals
Column 2: Food Apple, Banana, Melon, carrot, potato, tomato, rice, beans, wheat.

In another section in my doc, I created another table where I put other two columns, but in this case I want to put a list in the column 1 that if I select one cathegory, in the column 2 only deploy the objects that belog to that value, example:

If in the column 1 in one of the cells I write “Vegetables” in the next cell (on the column 2) only appears “Carrot”, “Potato” “tomato” and then I can select one of them. If I change in the column 1 for “Fruit” now only appears values like “apple”, “banana” or “melon”

I am traying to do an inventory but I need that only appears values depending on the word that I write in one cell. Could you help me to solve this, please?

Thanks a lot for your attention.


Hi @Javier_Sanchez_Serrano,

Welcome to the Coda community.

Can you take a look at - Dropdown Menu Dependancies?

I think it does the same thing you are asking about.

Hi Mallika

Perfect! It is the response to my doubt.

Thanks a lot!

Kind Regards!

Javier Sánchez

Hi @nigel !

So I found an annoying limitation with the actual workflow of “adding a new value with Lookup”.

If I want to add a new value to a second table that is a lookup from my first table with button to create the new Row in the second table, the new value in the second table won’t be a Lookup. That means that adding a value to a Lookup column from a Button will not reference well the lookup and instead create a new value.

Is it clear ?