I’m setting up a tagging system for my task table. The tags are stored in it’s own table.
I tried to make two table buttons in Tasks which can add or delete a tag from a task based on a lookup block. It almost work, but I have some issues as Coda is mixing “blank” and empty, and it doesn’t seem to follow me. I guess this has something to to with the way I process the list.
So I would really appreciate som help on these formulas
This is my formulas for the buttons:
Tag On button:
ModifyRows(thisRow,thisRow.Tag,(ListCombine(thisRow.Tag,[Lookup Tag])))
Tag off button:
ModifyRows(thisRow,thisRow.Tag,thisRow.Tag.Filter(thisRow.Tag!=[Lookup Tag]))
And here is the example page: Tag-system · Test-area LKA
I know I will need checks for an empty list, but I made the examples as simple as possible.
I seems to me that the Coda formulas having trouble with blanks and empty for lists and multiple selecting in general. It sometimes mix up an lookup value and a text value. So it’s an area which I find a bit messy.