New Coda user here. I’m trying to add a Projects relation column from my Projects database to my Tasks database, but the relations column only seems to provide options from other tables on that doc. Does that mean I would need to have ALL my master databases in one doc in order to link them together via relations?
Hey Garrett and welcome!
This is an annoying limitation by Coda, you can do a one way sync with the cross-doc pack but it kinda blows tbh.
You can set-up a two way sync with webhooks but it’ll be a coupled mess, meaning that you have to hardcode a bunch of things so it’s not very scalable, probably prone for de-sync issues too.
keep everything in one doc, only break of you really have to.
keep everything in one table, unless you really have to.
The major reason to create a separate doc is to keep confidential information confidential.
Further, Coda is the evolution of the doc, and part of the evolution is that a doc covers much, much more than what a traditional Word doc or a spreadsheet does.
My main doc at my 9-5 is probably approaching 100 original documents. AND I CAN SEARCH ALL OF IT IN ONE PLACE!!
And really efficiently at that.
And in fewer tables: in the traditional SAP ERP system, financial information was stored in around 10 tables. In their latest in memory database called HANA, all of those have been replaced by a single table.
Haha this is super helpful, @Piet_Strydom! Sounds like I just need to change my frame of mind a bit to better align with Coda’s possibilities.
Do you have any advice on setting up my larger organizational workspace (e.g., the schema)? I am a nonprofit consultant and want to help orgs set up spaces that are both intuitive and easy to navigate.