Hi all, me again I try to add a new row to a table via values from a “select” dropdown Now I want to add values from this added row to another table
What I did, adding 2 “Add row” buttons to table 1 as column + adding an external Add button with these 2 adds
Result: I got 3 row added, instead of 1
Hope this is not too complicated explained, happy to share the doc anyway as we are finishing yet the public beta
Thanks @Ainara_Bilbao I just published it https://coda.io/@thomaschulz/pollipop
Hi @Ainara_Bilbao and @Thomas_Schulz,
When the “Add new poll” button is clicked, it will push the other two column buttons. And when a column button is pushed, it will push all the buttons in that column. So if there are three rows, there are three buttons that will get pushed.
Thanks Ben, so what do you propose, adding the buttons outside the table? And how then reference within these buttons the same row?