All docs: sort by name

Hello! :slight_smile:

Can we sort docs by name?

I think it’s must be really convenient for see our files.

Thank you :slight_smile:


I totally aggree!

This should be the minimum ability of sorting your docs, although you can’t bring them individually in order with drag&drop.
So please give us at least the possiblity to name them with numbers (1. …, 2. …, 3…) and sort them by name/alphabetical!

Kind regards


Yeah! I’m curious how Coda navigates Coda without sorting files by name. Some use-cases look like file systems and you want to have sequentially organized data to traverse!


Almost May of 2021 – has there been movement on this basic functionality of selecting alphabetic sort of All Docs (or My Docs)?

Sorting by Created, Viewed and Modified is great of course – but I have never seen desktop or cloud software that doesn’t allow alpha sort.

Hope that feature is added soon. Much appreciated! :coda: :+1:


I can’t believe that this has not been done. It’s such a basic feature.


I wonder how Coda does this internally, when they themselves use Coda extensively…
Their Coda files must surely be a unsorted mess :crazy_face: :innocent:

Joke aside, this should be considered basic functionality and hope it will be implemented as soon as possible.

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YES absolutely… it must have a consistent navigation or new users… it keeps reordering so its confusing… so much we are going to make another page to act as navigation menu.
Maybe even an arbitrary sorting option (by hand)

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It’s been four years… How is this feature still missing? :sweat_smile:


+1 for this “upgrade”

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I will throw in my vote for sort docs by name. I was really surprised this couldn’t be done already!