Any reason Folders and Docs can't be manually ordered?

So I’m scratching my head about not being able to arrange the Docs inside of a Folder in the order I want. Is there a setting I’m missing to achieve this?

I can arrange them by when they were last Modified, Created, or Viewed. The the one thing I can’t do is arrange them the way I want, that makes sense to me. Why not? I imagine there was a good reason for not giving users this control… I just don’t see it.

Same thing goes for the Folders on the left sidebar in a Workspace section. Can I have control over the order instead of resorting to putting a number in front of them?

  1. Folder A
  2. Some other folder
  3. Why do I have to resort to this?
  4. Shoot I need to place a folder on top so now I have to go and rename all my folder prefix numbers :frowning:

Now when I open a Doc, things change. I can arrange and rearrange my pages as I please. Would love to see that behaviors for Folders and Docs.

Not trying to sound like a complainer and I love using the product. Just one of those things that stands out to me. I guess I just like to arrange things that make sense to me. :upside_down_face:


I am alo a bit confused why you cant manually order folders and docs, it feels like a normal thing to be able to do. Would be a cool improvement I must agree, nothing really groundbreaking but a quality of life improvement definitely :slight_smile:


If I could just arrange the Docs by name that would help out because I could use that to name them in the order I need. But that’s not even an option.

I’m starting in coda this month and was looking for this feature and now i’m deeply concerned that this feature doesn’t exist in coda. why they ignore this? This is so simple and necessary.