Alphabetical sorting

I’ve only recently started using coda and its great much better than the usual apps I use, but a problem that I have is that coda organises my workspaces and my folders/docs alphabetically and for me this is rather annoying because I like to organise my…everything, in terms of importance. I was wondering if there’s anyway to organise them myself or turn of alphabetical sorting or a way around this other than adding letters to their title to change how there organised?

Hi Roshan,

Welcome to Coda and the Community!

Coda has a pack called Coda Doc List Pack, extend Coda with Coda Doc List - Coda. it has quite a few goodies in there, including a sync table that will list all your docs. You can then add columns for whatever classification you want, and sort/ group using that,

(Why do you have multiple Workspaces? That is very seldom used. In general, I find people create new tables too quickly, they create new docs too quickly. Workspaces - probably only needed if you work in two different organisations.)