Auto-select when creating new row on table

Hello to everyone; im a fairly new user of Coda, and i’ve been enjoying it so far. Today, i’ve found a problem that i don’t know how to fix.

I have tables, one of them including users of the doc, with their respective group, which, in this case, it’s Shop 1, shop 2, shop 3…
My plan is, when a user creates a row on ALTAS KIT, on the COLABORADOR row, i want its value to be auto-assigned to the COLABORADOR row from the COLLAB.DB table where the current user belongs to, but i can’t find how. If someone could help me, it would be great!

Hi @Pedro_Jimenez and welcome to this wonderful community. happy that you’re enjoying your journey among us so far.

Your embed doc isnt shared, but anyway, here is a proposal.
In this proposal What I call “User” is like your “Collaborador”.

So you have your users list, with a “people” format column, here my accounts and a dummy one

And also an “Altas Kit” (I dont know what it is for you, but I do a dummy one).
If I well understood your wish, when someone does create a row in altas kit, you want a column to be auto filled with current users.

If Yes, set the “Users who created” column with value for new rows as User(), taking the current logged user who takes the action.


Then, When someone does create this row, it happens like this.


Then you can also link other user’s information, as the group here.

Does that respond to your wish ? if not please make your embed doc shared

Have Fun


You’re right, the embed wasn’t shared, now it is, thanks for the help @Quentin_Morel.
It kind of is what i want, but i don’t want it to have the user on the Kit table, i only want it to have the group, not the user.

OK @Pedro_Jimenez, understood !

Then, I put myself as a User in your table Filtros.DB, with different colaborador.

I entered this formula for new row in Altas kit

That will take all colaborador linked to the current user (me here!), and enter it in colaborador column in altas kit. Is that OK for you ?




That’s exactly what i did want to do, thanks @Quentin_Morel !

Perfect then :wink: Happy to help ! Enjoy this new setting and do not hesitate for any further questions !


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