Automating a Daily Email Update to Campus

Hi all,
I have a couple questions about building a automating a daily email that goes out to our campus community.

I have a table that operates like a kind of bulletin board where people can post updates/location/descriptions/links for events that are coming. The button for posting to the table automatically added the date and time it is created.

I then have an "email this page’ button that I want to automate to send out every morning at 4am.

What I want to be able to do is send only updates posted since the last time the email went out (so basically the last 24 hours). It looks like I need to build that into the button rather than the automation but I’m stuck on the formula for filtering the content that goes into the email.

Here is the test page.

  1. Is it possible to set it so that if there is no modified row the last 24 hours, it doesn’t send an email?

  2. Is there a way to format the email that goes out - say include a link back to the webpage, change how the information is laid out in the email, etc.

Thank you!
Wess Daniels

Hey @C_Wess_Daniels! It is good to hear from you! That’s a great idea and way to use Coda. You are on the right track by using a button here. I think the best plan would be to use the results column so that once the button is pressed and an email is sent it will spit out content into the results column. After that, you can setup the button to disable if the result column is not blank. This way the button will only press if it has not been sent before.

As for jazzing up your emails and the formatting you could utilize this html builder pack to help with that- HTML Email Builder Pack, extend Coda with HTML... | Coda

Feel free to contact if you need further help!

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