Automation - If condition for specific select list option

I’m trying to create an automation but keep falling short.

When a row is changed (select list format) and updated to a specific selection (in this case when the row Permit Stage is updated to Submitted), I want a date field in the same row to update to equal Now() (in this case the row is Permit Submitted Date).

I think I’m getting stuck on the If condition.

Hi Rebekah,

Welcome to the community!

You were halfway there.

The automation is triggered when the ‘Permit Stage’ field is changed in a specific row, which is known in the rest of the automation as ‘Step 1 Result’.

You need to put an if condition, because you want to store the ‘Submitted Date’ only when the ‘Stage’ has been changed to ‘Submitted’. This is how it looks like:

You had made a small mistake in the 3rd step by selecting ‘All Rows’ instead of ‘Step 1 Result’. In this case the date of all rows would have been updated even if only one row was modified.

Hope this helps,


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Thank you so much Pablo! I’m new to Automations and this was so helpful!

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