If step 1 result form a certain selection

Hi, I like to add an automation only happen when users select “Yes” with a question in a form.

The form has a column, say columan A, as selection, the options of the selection are “Yes” and “No”.

The automation should be

  1. trigger when a new submit
  2. filter step1result.A=“Yes”
  3. add a row to another table T

It looks simple but I failed at step 2. I tried to create a new submit with “Yes” in column A, but the automation at step 2 detects as false so doesn’t move on to step 3.

Why? Is the false caused by any format issue?

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Hi test :
Caution sensitive to breakage

step1.column1.ToText() == "Oui"
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:wave: @Karen_Hsieh

Welcome to the community ! :hugs:

i created a doc from what you describe…

please feel free to copy doc and dive under the hood in the automations section or if you can share copy of your doc then we can help you troubleshoot.
As @Math_24 said, it could be because there’s no " " and need to convert your field column to text first.

hope this helps!

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thanks! it works. I also found that I should use “Add row” instead of “Add or modify row”

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Thanks! you’re so nice to build a demo for me! That’s how I found out I should use “Add row” instead of “Add or modify row” . Thank you so much!!


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