Hello Team,
Currently I have an automation set up to get notifications on the task status (when task is delayed) based on timeline, but i need the notification to be sent only when the “IF condition” in the automation is “true”. Currently the notifiations are being sent irrespective of the condition being “True” or “False”.
On the other hand, I have the feeling you are trying to send a notification to each PM if they’re task is delayed. In order to achieve this you have to let the IF empty, filter() the tasks that are delayed in the THEN part and forEach() item notify() the current PM. I’m not in the computer and I’m not sure of the notify parameters, but it should be something like this. [Production Planning]. Filter(Status="Delayed").forEach(Notify(currentValue.PM, Format("Your task {1} is delayed", CurrentValue.Feature)))
@Pablo_DV thanks for the feedback. Also is there a way i can set the automation rule so that the notofications are sent only when the ‘If condition’ returns as ‘True’'.
What I’m want to from this automation is that I need to get the notofication only when the status is ‘Delayed’, as of now I’m getting notifications even if the task status is ‘On track’.You can see in the attached image the notification i got even when there is not task delay.
I need the notification to be sent out only to me and not to the PM’s.