I added a column that should show a QR code for the URL of that line. thisRow.Url().Barcode::QR()
The QR code is rendered and the test works. After a few seconds QR code rendering pattern changed to a pattern that seems an error pattern and it don’t work anymore. When I open the formula for editing, the working QR code is shown in the preview.
You’re actually running this through the barcode feature twice. Your column is set to be the barcode type, which will change things to a QR code and you’re changing it into a QR code in your formula. If you remove the barcode part of your formula, it should work for you.
Are you wanting to show that row in the popup view?
You can try this formula and see if it works and does what you need it to do…
Thank you! i ran into this issue too. the QR code was not generating correctly.
i decided to continue to specify the column as a QR code column, but just specify the calculation formula as just the Concatenate(thisRow.Url(), "&modal=true) part and without this part: ‘.Barcode::QR()’
Now it works. My only wish is that i can control how large the QR code will appear in detail view.