Beta launch: Subitems

We are opening the opportunity to try out and provide early feedback on Subitems through our beta program!

Subitems allows you to nest rows within a table enabling you to break your work into smaller sections (i.e. subtasks).


If you are interested in joining the beta, please sign up here.

We’ll be enabling subitems on a rolling basis, so we’ll let you know via email when we enable the beta for you or your workspace. Once you are enrolled in the beta you can share feedback here as well as visit the Subitems FAQ


One of the features that I was waiting for a long time.

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I am having an issue signing up it says I am not entering my worskspace ID in correctly.

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I am facing the same issue

Hi Sam!

I’d love to take part but can’t seem to be able to submit this form. I’ve tried entering a workspace ID, adding N/A or leaving it blank but the validation rule won’t let me through :slight_smile:

Really excited about this update!!


VERY Excited for this!! Signup not working for me either.

Hey folks!

Thanks for letting me know, sign up should now be fixed, mind trying again?


I tried to sign up for beta but your form seems broken or will not accept our workspace ID.

Phil Parrish

120 N Main • McPherson, KS 67460
620-241-5400 •

Now it works.
Thank you very much.

Nice! Long awaited! Are there special formulas to deal with subitems?

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Its working now. Thank you!

I seem to be unable to submit to join the beta program.

The Workspace ID throws an error and won’t accept: ws-SI8l0WGJ1Y

Yup fixed now, thanks

I’ve tried to opt in but i’m unable to add my workspace ID. Getting an error no matter how I format it.

@Fred_Butson omit the “/docs” should make it work :blush:

Worked for me…looking forward to the beta test!!

When will I be able to sort pages on a list?!?! I want to make my notes descending in date rather than the default.


This is going to feel like magic. I’m excited for the beta test!

looking great team!

Will we be able to specify if a row is a subitem using formulas?

Finally, so cool!
Is it any danger to join, as long as I only use this function in test docs?
Lars Kristian