Button in one table that adds a row in another table, shows some columns as Hidden even though they are not


I may not be understanding your issue correctly, but try this:

  1. When you click the button and it pops up the detailed view of the new row, look in the upper right hand corner and find the icon with three dots. Click that.
  2. Click “Customize layout”.
  3. Drag columns from “Hidden Columns” at the bottom, up to shown columns above that.
  4. You can also drag-and-drop the order of columns and move columns side by side.
  5. Click “Done”.

I mocked up a sample in the below doc. Click on the “Add a to-do” button" to see what a customized Details layout looks like.

Hidden columns in the Details view are controlled separately from hidden columns in the Table view. It’s confusing at first, and could use better UX navigational prompting, imho. @mallika