I create a Reading List document.
But I find some questions.
There was a sample document you can try.
- When I create a button to add row in table, at the beginning, it can show new row detail view and can edit.
But I don’t know why now was can’t do it.
When I click “New Row” Button
it can’t show detail view.
I want to
When I Click Button “Add Book”,it can show new row detail view and can edit.
Like this↓(Click"+" in the group)
How can I do?
- When I Click a button,that I can let A table’s data into B table and write data.
Reading List(A Table) ──Add New Row──> Reading Record(B Table)
This is my idea:
A Table’s Book title write in B Table’s Book column(Type:Text).
And B Table’s A Table(Type:Lookup) 's New Row formula set to B Table’s Book column(Type:Text).
And in B Table,we can see the data was link successed.
But when I click add row button in other button in A Table.
It is not worked!
I don’t know how to resolve it…
Would you do me a favor?
If you want ask more question, welcome to reply.
PS. I’m not a native English speaker, if I have grammat mistake, please don’t mind.