Hi all!
I’m trying to create a button in Table 1 that:
- adds a row in Table 2;
- fills in one of the fields of that new row with data from a field of the 1st table.
- open the new Table 2 created row in Fullscreen mode.
The row is added with the information from Table 1, but I get an error and it doesn’t open the row.
Hi @Filipa_Didier !
You’re almost there ! I would rather use the function Activate()
to make the created row to pop up, like this :
Is that ok for you ?
EDIT : WOW Sorry, didnt see the fullscreen mode required… let me write that
Here you go @Filipa_Didier OpenRow(viewMode:"Fullscreen")
rather than Activate()
Sorry for the fast reading
Hi Quentin! I can’t see your image with the corrected formula.
Sorry there is no image
The syntax is just AddRow(…).OpenRow(viewMode:“Fullscreen”)
( on my phone now)
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Thank you so much, it works perfectly!!
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Perfect then, happy to have helped ! Please let us know if you have any additional requirements !
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