Is there a way to create button to another section, to open it in active window? will it work in published doc?
Can anyone please help?
Hi there @11162 .
I did some testing and it is easy to create a button to switch between section (pages, subpages) by creating a simple Open Hyperlink
button and entering the URL of the Section (page, subpage) where needed, but I don’t think it’s actually doable to open it in an active window.
I think, and I’m completely unsure about what I’m going to say, that when you’re in a section (page, subpage) you’re already in the active window, therefore, you can’t activate it.
Well, at least, after testing, that’s how I see it, but I could be completely wrong.
Could you please share your solution for “button to section” in new window?
I can share a button to section, but like I said, it won’t be opening in a new window as I think it is not doable at the moment .
i made a buttom “open hyperlink” pasted url “” but it doesnt work in published variant
I never published a doc, so I needed to test that but could you check in the Sharing settings of your doc if Doc Interaction are on Play .
If it’s on View, I think it disable the button.
button is anyway disabled :((
I just tested, it seems to work just fine !
And in a new window too !
@11162, Can I ask what you did to open your section in a new window ?
i’ve copied url from shared version, but it wasnt working a while ago
Thank you !
I’m going to play around with this !
you’re welcome
but my issue is still opened thou