Button to copy page and add link to source

I have a table, “Events”, with Google Calendar events.

I have another table, “Tasks”, with tasks I want to complete.

I also have a page “Meeting Notes Template”, which has different headings, etc., to be used for taking notes.

I want to have a button in the “Events” that will duplicate the meeting notes template, fill in the title with the title of the event in question, and populate other fields (e.g. who attended). Then, I want to be able to have a button in the meeting notes that will “Add Action Item” by creating a row in the Tasks table.

Once I’ve done that, I want the meeting notes for a meeting to have a table with all of the action items, I want each action item to have a link back to the meeting that created it and the meeting notes page that has more context, and the event to have a link to the meeting notes. I can create lookups manually, but then, for example, if I have a weekly meeting where each instance has the same title, it’s really hard to look up the right instance; using buttons should be able to fill in everything correctly all at once.

How can I do this?

Dear @anon97082578 welcome to the community :handshake:

Please share a dummy doc with some sample structure of what you expect to build. :world_map:
Then, make one page with the challenges :building_construction:you want to overcome
In this way you will make it for the community members, more easy to provide you hands on feedback and implement possible solutions.

Let’s start the journey… :railway_track:

Unfortunately, I can’t share anything from my organization’s Coda, as that is disabled. I can create a button that can duplicate a page (such as a notes template) and set the title, but it can’t fill in any other field in that doc, such as a lookup. That’s what I’m looking for, to be able to fill in more fields in the duplicated page, but it seems Coda can’t do that.