📅 Calendar requests

Hey there!
I love the idea of the new calendar, but I feel that it could be improved, especially for use inside a document, as a dynamic calendar.

Basically, I want to use the calendar as a time block strategy.
Currently, I can’t for a few reasons :

  • The date and time format on tables only accepts manual values to be entered - but we really would need a date and time picker. Actually, I find this format unusable in its current state.
  • There should be an option to display rows on the side of the calendar with display value filtering - this would allow for manual drag and drop of rows inside the calendar and would be awesome.

Actually, I haven’t found a way to make a good time blocking system with the new calendar feature. Using formulas on date or date and time columns prevents to tweak boxes manually.



+1 Both of these suggestions would solve some real workflow snags we’re having right now.

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+1 for the date/time picker. This is way too critical for any productivity application. Specially on mobile. Also, it would be great if it was the widget with the round clock, where you can pick any time with two simple clicks (and not some slider or combo or arrow buttons, which are too complicated)


“There should be an option to display rows on the side of the calendar with display value filtering - this would allow for manual drag and drop of rows inside the calendar and would be awesome.”

Do you mean something like this ?

*but with additional filter and sort features in external area

I love this idea


Yes, totally! Love your mockup.

I second those requests !

I agree. The Calendar is not as powerful as it is supposed to be.
I also want to change the interval in the weekly view. I don’t want to so every half hour.
Also I want to use two separate fields for week and date, I had to combine them just for this view?!? I also cannot make a field calculated automatically from two, because then you can’t drag and drop them inside the calendar anymore due to the calculated field is not changeable…


agreed! I have a calendar showing the week, with 3 hour slots for appointments. I don’t need to see the half hour intervals between the slots, and the calendar is so long and clunky because it displays them all.

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