Change values not in the display column


Can you please tell me which formula to use so that when you change the data in the source table changed values in all other tables, in columns that are not display column?

If it’s a display column - it’s easy, but when it’s not a display column, how do I do it?

Here is a short video to make it clearer:

Thank you so much in advance for the answers!

It’s not about the display column — it’s about what is selected in your Column 1 and Column 2.

Column 1 is a lookup column where you select row references. You don’t select specifically the letter A or B or C — you select “Row with ID=1 from table First”, “Row with ID=2 from table First” etc. When you change the value of its display column (or designate another column as the display column), the labels in those reference chips get updated, but the references themselves remain the same.

Column 2 is a select list of literal values. The value each cell of this column holds is just a text value that’s not linked to anything — it’s basically copied at the moment of selection. The “Selectable items” setting controls what is shown in the selection list when you open that dropdown list, and that’s it — after you select a value in that dropdown list, it’s just copied in the cell in the form it was in that list at the moment.

P.S. It’s not that Lookup and Select behave differently — no, actually you can set “First” (not First.Col) as Selectable Items setting, and the Select will behave just like Lookup: you’ll be picking a row reference from a dropdown list, and the chip would show the actual display column value. It’s not about column type — it’s about what kind of value you select in that column.

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@Paul_Danyliuk , Thank you for the quick response!

I apologize for my English, I must not have written it clearly.

I understand what you wrote.

445 firefox

How to have a row references in Second.Column2 column exactly the same as in Second.Column1 column, without changing display column in First table ?

Goal: when change the data in the First table (any column) → AUTOMATICALLY change data in the Second table.

If Column2 is something that you manually select — you cannot do that.

If you want to select a row in Column1 and then in Column2 show the “Col 2” value of that selected row, then make Column2 a formula:

thisRow.Column1.[Col 2]

Then whenever you select a different item in Column1, Column2 will recalculate to show the corresponding item’s Col 2 value. And whenever you edit the value itself, the change will also be reflected in the Second table.

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Yes, the Column2 data must be selected manually.

Thank you for confirming that this cannot be done for now!

Maybe if you need to select it manually independently of Column1, it calls for a separate (Third) table? That way two columns would both be lookups, from table First and table Third?

It’s a bit hard to advise anything when we’re talking about abstract concepts (first, third, column one etc). What is the exact use case that you’re trying to solve?

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I have exactly the case that I described above.

Goal: when change the data in the First table (any column) → AUTOMATICALLY change data in the Second table.

Well, yes, the third table is the solution… I get it. It’s just that then I would have a lot of tables.


If we talk about the third table.

The situation is this: if a child is born in the family - the number increases and the information should AUTOMATICALLY be updated in other tables.

How automatically add(edit) data from First.Concatenate column
to Third.Col column ?