Check out Scott Weir’s Doc Explorer pack, sounds like it might help out? Doc Explorer Pack, extend Coda with Doc Explorer - Coda
It will give you a table that keeps track of when the last time each of your pages was updated. But most importantly it gives you an automatically updating table with a row for each page in your document, so you can then expand upon that page list with the further attribute data you’re wanting to present.
This is fairly close to solving the issue brought up in this thread, but not quite.
First, it doesn’t actually roll up the things you type out on each of your pages to be accessible in the table. So things you type on a Coda page stay as “dumb” data.
Second, as it stands, its a chore to surface that attribute data onto the actual page since as far as I can figure out the only way to display it is basically a completely manual process of adding a custom formula to each page you make. Maybe a Coda master could find a better way, but when I looked into it I hit a dead end because there’s really very little to work with pages in Coda’s formula system.
More reason to properly implement what Paul is suggesting and give pages better support! I actually made a suggestion box post for this feature a little while back before this discussion even started, give it a +1 if you want: Create Auto-syncing Pages Based on Row Data