Can you please provide some more details about the behavior that you’re looking for?
I’d like to use the Coda Admin pack to create a usable, synced list of all our users in a people column. However, the “Users” table only included those listed in the folder my doc is in, and doesn’t provide me the whole workspace user list (which I need.) My other option, the “Org Users” table, gives me the list of users I need, but doesn’t have a people column, which is specifically what I’m after.
Important Notes:
- Our users are synced via Okta
- I utilize Groups for folder membership, not individual members (individual members isn’t sustainable for the size of our company, how users are synced [Okta], and how frequently we see movement within the company)
- Because of the two items listed ^, our folder members list is never going to be comprehensive
What value does this new feature unlock? What does this help you accomplish?
Here’s my specific use case. I developed a skip-level space for our CEO where he’s able to choose members of his reports’ teams to have a 1:1 meeting with. This list is constantly in flux and out of date as team members come and go. If I could get this function, I’d be able to use this in combo with a lookup table data-dump from our HR system and it would be up-to-date at all times.
When it comes to organizing people, not “data”, I have so many uses for this specific list, and can share several others if you’d like!
On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = nice to have, 4 = absolutely must have), how badly would you say you need this feature?
3.5 - my life will go on without it, but some of my work is overly complicated and filled with a lot of manual labor without it