It’s a problem I often see in Coda is that the datatype in the formula is not the same as the actual datatype. I don’t know if this is a bug, or if I don’t understand something. For example here:
I want Coda to push this button - but it doesn’t. In the formula Coda defines the Button as Text, and doesn’t push it. What am I doing wrong?
Are you trying to trigger the button push with an automation? If the button is performing a pack action you might have to go to the bottom of the automation and change it from “Take actions as Automation Bot”.
Agreed, not sure why they don’t create an icon for button. Regardless, I’ve not had a problem with triggering buttons within formulas.
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No, it’s a simple canvas button. The pack actions are the actions before. The button I am refering to is there to be pushed after the actions for the calendar pack.