Coda Starter Demo: An unknown error has occurred, please try again later

Coda Starter Demo: An unknown error has occurred, please try again later.
I’m going along with the Coda Starter Demo and when I run the script I get the error. Its fairly straightforward at this point I don’t understand what I’m missing.

@oleg any insight? :pray:

@Johg_Ananda I just tried running that myself and things seemed to work:

Perhaps there was some kind of temporary outage on Google’s end that’s now resolved? The error message you saw isn’t something that we would return.

@Johg_Ananda Can you also check what version of the CodaAPI library is active in your project? If it’s anything other than the latest version (currently version 9) calls may fail.

@JonathanGoldman thanks for checking in. I have 9 running:

@oleg I logged in and tried running it again now. I got a Google permission prompt to allow Script to connect to an external device. I granted permission and I got Hello World!

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 20.11.51

:pray: Thanks for your help

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