Introducing: CodaMakers - a Community about Coda built in Coda!
The Doc: CodaMakers
A few weeks ago I had the idea of building a Coda community. I shared this on twitter and quite a lot of people were interested.
2-3 weeks later I have built CodaMakers: a Coda doc where you can share your stuff around Coda, like and save from others, and have your own profile.
One of our main goal is to learn together as Makers how we can make businesses with Coda. We share our experiences together, for example with selling Coda Templates on Gumroad.
To connect deeper we have a Slack Channel where we can message each other.
Also, we have an online Jam every Thursday at 7pm CEST where we just play around with Coda.
For me personally, it has been the best thing to connect with other Makers in Coda.
I have learned so much skills from others and to have people to spin ideas is really awesome.
And I have just met some really nice people
If this sounds interesting to you, we would love to get to know you!
Here are the links to connect:
All I can say is WOW @lars_hofstetter_10TIMES_io & co what a beauty this doc is. Looking forward to seeing how this evolves and the amazing things that will come out of this
The doc is indeed a nice exploration of novel workflows with Coda. I’d do some pieces of UI differently but to each their own
The fact, however, that there’s no fine access control in Coda docs makes it vulnerable to any sorts of edits. Take a look at my score there, for example
Personally I don’t think that we should have many communities now. Having Slack is cool, but as for the forum how is this Community here not enough?
Hey thanks @Hector_Reyes
It’s basically a “comments” table shown on the post page (a column that have a formula like
“comments-table.filter(this-comment-original-post=thispost)”, so it gets back just the right ones)
I’ll write a little more explanatory post in the next days, i will share it with you if you like
Also, it’s already in CodaMakers so till a certain level you can explore it
(suggested to wait until it is a little more bugfixed )
Hi Paul, Thanks for your comment! I would love to see some of your examples of how you approach UI. I think its a very interesting topic and love to see how others do that.
Yeah I know about that Will make that better.
For your last question, I found the forum to be helpful to learn some advanced stuff.
But in many ways it’s not an interactive community and it’s hard to get to know other people. The Doc Gallery is a start and cool but also limited.
I think people can learn a lot faster and have more fun if they can interact more and have better access to coda stuff. A lot of people struggle to get into Coda because they don’t know where to start or what to do. We want to help people on every skill level from beginner to expert to connect and learn. With profiles on CodaMakers we give people a platform to show what they do. Also, as we all use Coda we probably all like to use databases. So the idea is to make a big database together of shared coda stuff where the data has a better structure than just a search like in here.
Although I am not convinced that the “alternative channels” will be able to cover the gap we currently have in this platform in combination with the Coda guidelines, the formula documentation and shared samples, where in quite a lot of cases the initial shared file isn’t anymore available.
With your “Codamakers”, you made the first step to get them in a relationship and to my opinion it will not be possible to keep it all in one Coda doc.
I have very limited experience with crossdoc and not sure if that should be the way to create the relationships, but the way I see it, we should have one doc that contains all key info and links from for example another 5 docs and redirect you to the correct doc and back, to be able to grow.
You get it, the key is how to get that working
Maybe similar to how custom templates are shared in one and the same workplace.
Success with your lab, the only way to find out what is working and what doesn’t give the expected outcome.
Wow this is a gem. I don’t understand how Coda does not have more user groups like this - It’s such an amazing platform and it just doesn’t seem to have the following it should.