Column access control in tables

I have a question for you amazing people. We’re trying to limit access to a certain column inside a table in coda for various people. Basically, we are trying to make one database where some people can see everything where others can not see or unhide certain columns. Do you have an idea how to achieve that? I know there’s been updates to access control in coda recently, but I cannot figure out if this helps with columns only. Thanks!

Column level permissioning (read/write) would be amazing. Alas, it’s not available today. Coda is an amazing tool and awesome for things smart docs but if your trying to create applications or complex permissions that’s not a great use case for Coda. There are many other tools that are built for that.

But onto options (hacks) for what you’re asking for! There’s 2 options that I use, both with big limitations & caveats. Both are for advanced users. I won’t go into all details but this should get you thinking if this is something you even want to attempt in Coda. If you do happy to go deeper.

Option 1 - Locking w/ Permission Set Layouts*
Users really interact with rows through Layouts instead of tables.

  1. Create a Base view with the fields that all users are allowed to read (or less)
  2. Create a new page and hide it
  3. On the hidden page, create a table view for each permission set
  4. On each of these views create a Layout with the fields that permission is allowed to read
  5. On the Base view create a button and when clicked it, it identifies the users permission set and opens that specific permission set’s layout
  6. Lock the page with the Base view and set to Interact

Option 2 - Permission Views w/ Cross-doc
This creates different docs per permission set

  1. Create a view per permission set in your master doc
  2. For each permission set do the following:
    1. Create a doc for the permission set
    2. Use the Cross-doc feature to pull in the specific permission set view
    3. If you want editing enable the Two-way sync edit options
    4. Invite the users with that permission set to this doc

Perhaps others have some additional options to consider…

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