Columns -- columns -- columns

I think the subject says it all:

— columns — columns — columns with columns would break this thing wide open.
“The Doc that behaves like an App” --Okay… but an App without simple formatting functionality like columns?

— columns — columns — columns

Can you at least tell us if it is on the Roadmap? (trying to decide between Notion and Coda)

please oh please oh please,

-love Coda - just don’t like the lack of columns - in case that wasn’t clear ;). - GO CODA!


I would love me some Coda columns!


I believe that a more flexible canvas with columns is on its way and actively being developed right now. Maria Marquez mentioned this in the last webinar about custom templates. She mentioned that the big hurdle to overcome was performance and not killing Doc’s performance. They want to do it right.

I think everyon looks at Notion and sees the potential here. It’s on its way.


@Ed_Brennan, @Neil_Lavitt, @Nate_Gerber2, @Aaron, @Geoff_Strout, @matteo_barbuscio [and anyone else who reads this later]
Please click through to :point_down:


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Are there some news about columns?
Its horrible to make a similar compact and good looking page like in Notion without columns. For a good reason most templates and examples are focused to the excellent database features. You cannot design a compact looking page without the support of some structure elements.

:arrow_up: Hi Frank, as @jeo mentioned above, there is a thread about canvas columns shared above your post. You can read more about it and let us know if you have any thoughts.

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