Combining two tables together into one

Im currently working on a project where we cross doc client workspaces into our main doc. All tables share the same columns.

I now want to create a master table that has a copy of all the tasks inside it so we can quickly see whats overdue, which task has a deadline coming up…etc

I tried this formula which runs:

However when I run the formula it works for the first lists load of tasks but the second list seems to have its data missing and outputs empty row data:

What am I doing wrong?

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Hello @Harry_Roper!
The problem is that for Coda those are 2 different tables, even if they have the same column names. So when you try to get CurrentValue.Name Coda can only reference the first table but not the second. That’s why you only get empty values when it starts importing the second table.

For this to work you’d have to write the same formula referencing each table separately, that means removing the list combine and use only one table on each formula, as follows:

  [Odaia Tasks],
    [All Workspace Tasks],
    [All Workspace Tasks].Name,
  [Movertis Tasks],
    [All Workspace Tasks],
    [All Workspace Tasks].Name,

Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions. I’m happy to help

There are also other options, like this pack someone made that does exactly this.
Launched: Merge Table Pack - Making Packs - Coda Maker Community


Thanks @Saul_Garcia You’re a hero!

It was really confusing because I would have thought list combine would have done the job the same as the pack you mentioned. I guess I still have some stuff to learn !

Looks like we’ll need to use the pack as a formula approach is not scalable for me. Thanks for the link and your reply !

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You can also use the Coda Webhook pack to ping information from all the CLIENT docs back to your main dashboard doc automatically.

Im doing a system like this currently with two different clients where there are multiple client-facing documents with one large mother-ship document that holds information from every client doc.

Its for these exact circumstances that I built it!

I need to make a proper youtube tutorial, but with your skills in Coda, I think you could get it without that tutorial!

The idea is just to put a Coda Webhook button on the client doc that sends information ABOUT those rows (aka all the columns) back to your main mothership document. Then have a webhook invoked automation that catches that info, and populates a single master table

You can also programatically predict what a receiving webhook address will be in your client dashboards to send data there from the mothership too.

Again - give me some time and Ill make a proper tutorial

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I noticed the contribution of scott and he is right, you can relate docs via a webhook very well. That is why I developed my for free webhook pack.

I documented the logic in the blog below:

The main advantage of the approach I follow is that when you change the names of the columns, it still works properly. The set up is easy and goes fast.


How did I miss this? This is genius!
Thanks for the recommendation @Scott_Collier-Weir
And thank you @Christiaan_Huizer! the pack looks amazing

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@Scott_Collier-Weir @Christiaan_Huizer @Saul_Garcia

You’re all absolute legends. Thanks and toasting to you all tonight. :beers:

@Scott_Collier-Weir I’ll give this a go and have a crack at making it scalable. I’ll let you know what I come up with. Maybe we could collab on YouTube? :slight_smile:

Thanks again all ! :heart:

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