I am trying to figure out how to carry over conditional formatting between tables in the same doc. When one table is a view of the other, the conditional formatting carries over, which is great. But if the tables are not linked, I cannot find a way to either 1) pull the conditional formatting over when referencing the other table via Lookup or otherwise, or 2) batch copy and paste the formatting rules. Example below:
In the above example, I cannot figure out a way to pull the formatting from the table Team into the table Favorites if they are not linked (Select list, Lookup, Filters, other formulas, etc. have not worked). I also cannot easily copy and paste the formatting rules. For clarity, formatting in this case references the coloring, since certain basic formatting can be done in other ways (e.g. italicizing).
If I do make Favorites a view of Team, I run into limitations with formatting if the data is repeated. For example, if the above Favorites table was made like this:
I would want each team formatted at the cell level. The only solution I found is to repeat the conditional formatting rules with each repeated set of rules only applying to one column. This makes it possible, but quite tedious if you have a large number of conditional formats.
Related, I am relying on conditional formatting since the table color options for text and background are currently limited compared to conditional formatting coloring options.
If anyone has any insights on this, or suggestions that may make this easier, I’d appreciate hearing them. I appreciated the knowledge share on this thread: Conditional Formatting Issue with colors, and figured maybe I’m missing something obvious.
Hi there! I was wondering if you ever found a solution to your problem? I’m trying to do the same thing. Was trying to set conditions based on the conditions in a different table but it was proving to be pretty finicky.
Conditional formatting set in a main table can be inherited by all views, but there isn’t a way to connect two disconnected tables for formatting only.
Not sure if you’ve seen this launch in reference to lookups and styling though!
this problem occurs pretty often to me too and I guess sooner or later for several users too!
Right now I have a table with 30 rows of parameters and 10 columns of test objects. And I want to evaluate every test object in relation to the parameters with marks from 1 best till 6 worst. For every mark there shall be another color displayed in the cell.
I litteraly have to enter the conditional formats a 60 times manually !!!
You Cody Guys always think along and try to make the best experience for the user so please find a solution for this issue too!
For Example give the user the option to save a conditional format as a preset and allow to use it not only for rows but for columns or other tables!
Hi @Mario_Kiessling,
I’m sorry I actually didn’t understand your use case: would it be possible for you to share your doc (or a sample of it) so that me - or someone else here - might find a solution different to
Conditional formatting is in fact for both columns and rows.
I would also appreciate to inherit conditional formatting form other tables, as well as having colours that my be user defined (and not only the ones available now), but I’m sure those will be enhancements that sooner or later will arrive.
I’m not entirely sure I understood your problem as you can choose the columns you want to apply your conditional formatting when creating it (and your screenshot, as I don’t speak German (I think )), so I might be wrong here .
But just in case this wasn’t the problem, another way to apply a conditional format is to use another table and a lookup .
I create a table I called Ratings and did the conditional formatting on this table (one time only). It is linked to the table (I called) Parameters using a LookUp fields which carry over the conditional formatting .
It doesn’t look exactly like your screenshot but it might be a way to work around your problem, maybe ?
Edit : I forgot to mention that I too would love having the ability to save and carry over conditional formatting from one table to another and also, like, Frederico mentioned “user defined color choices” !