Our workflow involves assigning subsets based on various filterings of a master table to different employees. In a perfect world I’d like to use the Team Task Tracker to define both column based filtering rules and a subset of rows, assign that to a “person” (ie a Section), and then employees can simply go to their named Section where their View will be automatically waiting for them.
I don’t think that’s currently possible though so what I did was create a Data folder containing premade Views, another folder with a Section for each employee, and a supervisor dashboard to assign them to each other. The idea was to have each employee’s section set with a View that was filtered using “Assigned To=Employee”. What I can’t figure out is how to get get Team Task Tracker to behave as the intermediary for this, selecting from a list of views and assigning to ThisGuy/ThatGirl/ThemToo.
TLDR: Folder 1 contains Table 1 and Views 1-3, and Folder 2 contains Sections A-C. I’m trying to find out how to use something like the Team Task Tracker as the bridge to have Section N show View Z as determined in the Task Tracker.
Have you been looking around in the templates section?
For example the “Gamestorming” one is in a team environment with different views
Have a look around and play with the template that is the most close to your expected usecase
Then when you face challanges, need advise share the dummi in this community and you will get support and or some reference posts to try to help you out.
Start your journey today, you will be amazed what you can make
Before diving into the specific question, have you found the User() function yet? It returns the currently logged in user. A very common pattern is to filter a table to AssignedTo = User() which can make a single view feel personalized to each user.
I did see that mentioned in various posts, but if I understood correctly that only works on the table where the AssignedTo column itself resides. I think my problem is I’m trying to pass things between separate objects in ways that Coda doesn’t currently allow.
A simplified explanation is that I’m trying to create a View (in a section belonging to an employee) that draws its data automatically from Table 1 and its whole-view filtering rules automatically from Table 2. This way someone can change what’s showing up in the View (how it’s filtered) by changing Table 2. Employee N only ever needs to open up Section N belonging to them and the supervisor can change what shows up in their View by changing what’s assigned to them in Table 2.
Since this is intended to scale to multiple employees here’s the actual structure:
Section 1 (Supervisor’s dashboard)
===“Team Task Tracker” table right out of the Examples menu
Folder 1
== Section 2
====Master Data Table
Folder 2
==Section A
====View 1 (filtered by assigned to Employee 1)
==Section B
====View 2
==Section C
====View 3
I’ve thought up two potential methods for what I’m trying to accomplish. The first is to have the code for filtering Views 1-3 reside in some way directly in the Team Task Tracker table. Depending on how many different layers I can pass data through I could either have the filter as raw text right in the primary table and just grab it out of the column or I could use the existing “Projects” structure of the Team Task Tracker and have the filter as a given project’s “description”.
The second method is to just premake everything and pass it on… IE have View A, View B, and View C already filtered and set up somewhere and then use the Team Task Tracker to “assign” View A to View 1.
Of the two I prefer the first method more because it’s less hardcoded and kludgy. Trying to chain together Views like method 2 seems like it would waste a lot of space/memory on duplicated views vs simply passing on a string to the filter. My problem here is I’m probably still thinking like I’m making a shiny app in R.