Copy Table — Set Default Behavior to View Only


At first, copying a table would by default paste it as a view of the source table, you then had the option to duplicate it as a new table.

Then, it transformed into getting a shitty delayed window to select whether to do it as a view or to duplicate it, with the default being duplication. I HATED this.

Now, today, it seems to have gotten even worse… Now, I’m not even getting the prompt anymore and it’s just duplicating every table.

I guess this might work for people who use Coda like a neanderthaler, basically just adding table upon table without leveraging views, but for people like myself who use it as apps with views being the frontend, it’s driving me insane and has increased my development time quite a bit.

It’s just counter intuitive…

Hope this gets resolved soon.

I actually just saw they added this now:
CleanShot 2025-01-22 at 15.55.03@2x

Please tell me there’s a keyboard shortcut for it :pray::face_holding_back_tears:

HI @Sonny_S

When I copy a table, I get the following:

Which is a very legitimate pop-up. There are legitimate reasons for wanting to duplicate a table. Different people have different needs, and it is one of Coda’s strengths that you can use it the way you want to.

Please refrain from making derogatory comments about your fellow makers. The Coda community is rightfully proud of the way we interact with each other.

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Hi Piet!

I love all makers and Coda alike :sun_with_face: definitely not my intention to ever offend anyone here.

The pop-up was gone for some time today, no idea what happened there.

That said, the pop-up is often delayed by about 2 seconds. If I click outside of the pop-up during that time, it automatically copies as a duplicate.

I just really liked how it worked before the pop-up.

I would love for more shortcuts as well, in this case what would make most sense:

CMD+V → Paste as view
CMD+SHIFT+V → Paste as duplicate

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