An updated copy/paste experience looking for beta testers

Hello everyone

We are working on building a new and improved experience around copy paste of content from within Coda to Coda. We would love to get input from the community to help iterate on it. If you would like to help please let us know and we will enable it for you first as we get it ready for users.




filler filler filler

Sure! Just let me know.

I too am interested in helping with the testing of this new copy paste.

Yes, happy too be a tester

I’m in please! I’m curious about what you are planning.

I am also a volunteer

Happy to be a tester for this, as well as everything else!

Thanks! :smile:

Happy to test! Sign me up.

We have turned on the new copy paste experience for all of you. You may have to reload your documents to get the new features. Few quick caveats

  1. When you copy/paste, you will notice a notification pop up towards the middle-bottom of the screen. It will have an Options link that you can click to customize the copy/paste behavior.
  2. This is work in progress so the UX will change, sometimes on a daily basis.
  3. We have tried our best to ensure that there are no crashes. However, in the unlikely event where we missed a case, and if you run into a crash please let us know. Also, when you report the crash please make sure to point out that you are using the new copy/paste behavior.

We hope you will find this an improvement over what you have today. Please do share any thoughts or feedback you may have on the new functionality.


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Thanks for the beta functionality for copy/paste. I have tested it now only a few times. It functions as expected except in one area.

  • When doing a paste within the document, it provides the Options button as you mention at the bottom centre of the screen. It just seems odd to have the past tense behaviour of the Pasted “object” and then choosing the option of whether it pastes as a view, copy of the data, etc., Is there an ability to provide the options ahead of the actually pasting? As in, “How do you want to paste this object?”, and then only actually performing the paste after an option has been chosen and an OK button clicked. Does that make sense?


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I’m in. @Himanshu Let me know where you’d like me to provide that feedback if not here.

I would love to try it out and provide my feedback. Thanks!

I’d be interested in trying as well.


Would love to give this a try

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@getraf Feel free to post it here, or to send a direct message to me.

@anon78730478 thanks for the feedback! We definitely understand the flow you are describing. We discussed using the approach you are describing. The main reasons we went with the current approach of having the user change the options after paste are instead of a blocking modal are

  1. If we get the defaults right for majority of cases, then it will reduce the total number of actions required by a user to accomplish the task at hand. The goal in genera is to help a user accomplish the task at hand as quickly as possible in as fewer steps as possible.
  2. New users who are not yet familiar with the concepts of Table and Views may not find the blocking modal beneficial since they may not understand the difference to make the right choice.

That said, we are still iterating on this and as we roll it out to more users we may change this based on how we observe the feature being used.


Sure definitely a feature needed because i copy my board from month to month just to seperate an organize everything but from now i add to create another doc and copy paste from it and change the fonction.Hard to do everytime.:+1:t4:

I would love to be part of the test team.

Happy to help test. Just let me know!