Hi to every one,
I have 2 tables.
- Table A with all my clients’ data and a “Modified on” column to track my daily interactions.
- Table B tracks my daily work.
So, in Table B, I have 2 columns:
- Daily date (inserted manually)
- Number of modified rows of Table A (it means interactions with my clients)
I would count automatically the number of modifications on Table A according to the date set on the first column of Table B.
I’ve tried many formulas but without reaching my goal.
For example:
[Table A].[Modified on].Filter([Table B].[Daily date] = [Table A].[Modified on]).Count()
Can someone help me, please?
Thanks a lot.
Hi @Alessandro_Scaltritti ,
perhaps having an example (or a sample of it) it would help to look further.
Anyway, I assume that this should consider the each specific row of Table B
, therefore on Count
column should be:
[Table A].Filter([Modified On] = thisRow.[Daily Date]).Count()
[Table A].CountIf([Modified On] = thisRow.[Daily Date])
Let me know if this works.
Hi @Federico_Stefanato,
Sorry but both formulas give an incorrect result, they alway count 0 mods.
I share a page with an example, I hope it’s more clear this way.
Correct link to the example:
Dear @Alessandro_Scaltritti,
I felt free to jump in, as I recognize this from the past, before more experiences community members, like @Federico_Stefanato, made me aware of this to compare always “apples with apples”
*You should compare same values, in this case dates with dates, therefore with .todate() in the formula, we inform them that we are only interested in the data value of the instance.
It works!
Thanks a lot @Jean_Pierre_Traets !
I had the doubt that was something about the values (I thought that the formula was considering hours as a non equal value).
Now I know exactly the issue and the solution.
Thanks again.