Hi guys,
So I’ve finally gotten sick of having to reschedule the Do Date on ‘Daily’ habits I have not done from day to day and thought of a better solution but can’t seem to get it into a filter formula format.
What I am trying to do within the “Tasks: Habits To Do (My Day)” table, where I have all of my Daily habits to view, with NO Do Date set. When I click the Done button:
- I want it to put Today() as the Do Date and set it as Complete (this part I have done).
The problem I can’t solve is:
I want the “Tasks: Habits To Do (My Day)” table to only show the Habits that have not been ‘Completed’ that have both of these two criteria (within the Tasks: Habits (Complete) table):
- Have the same name as the task within “Tasks: Habits To Do (My Day)” table.
- Do not have a Do Date that is Today().
So in a practical example when I click Done on a Daily Habit (Brush Teeth for example):
- The Done button creates a new ‘Brush Teeth’ habit with the same properties as original.
- Turns the original Brush Teeth habit Status to ‘Complete’ and adds Today() as Do Date
- Table now FILTERS out the new ‘Brush Teeth habit’ from the “Tasks: Habits To Do (My Day)” table because the habit was Complete today.