I’m looking up tags from a secondary table. While I’m adding tags in the main table, I’d like the secondary table to count how often I’ve added tags.
Can.not.get it to work…
Hi @Per_Bonomi,
and welcome to this community!
What do you mean with:
Is it the frequency per time (a bit trickier) or the overall count?
Having a shared example (you can do it by clicking “share” on the top right of your doc) would really help to better dig into it.
Thank you
I’m looking to simply count how often tag1,tag2,etc. were used in the main table, in total.
In my example, tag1 was used three times, for example.
My shared link wasn’t very obvious, but it’s at the bottom
Hi @Per_Bonomi
This is the sharing button I was referring.
As per your question, it really depends on tables relationship in order to determine the filter. This is why an example would help.
By just… guessing, it could be [Main Table].Filter([Relationship Column]=thisRow).[Tags].Count()
from the secondary table.
But it’s a bit too generic, I’m afraid.
Thanks for sticking around
I meant I did share and link, it’s just a very small link in my original post.
Ahhh!!! Sorry!
I didn’t get it!
Excellent. If you can give me editing permissions I’ll write directly on you doc.
Otherwise you can make and embedded sharing.
Heh, no worries
So, When I shared I set it to “anyone with the link can edit”, but is there something more I can set somewhere?
In case someone finds this, Federico fixed it and quickly too. The formula for the occurrences column:
[Community Topics].Filter(Tags.Contains(thisRow)).Count()
Thank you @Federico_Stefanato @Per_Bonomi
@Per_Bonomi Can you give me edit access? I’m trying to implement the formula in my doc with 2 tables, but can’t get it to work.
Dear @PolarBear,
Just open the doc in Coda and then you can create a copy of the doc, that you will be able to manipulate the way you like to or to see the formulas used, is that your question?
Thanks. That works for me - forgot I can just copy it.
Also found out that Contains didn’t work - had to use ContainsText instead.
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