Has anybody created a way to have a bi-directional row-level relationship between two tables in a non-manual way?
I have a set of notes (table) that I reference regularly. One of the columns book(s) is a lookup to a separate table. When I select a specific book from that lookup, I want to have an entry in the book table to reference the notes that I have a relationship to this book. I can do this manually, but I was wondering if there was a way that I could do this in an automated fashion, or by using a formula.
The screen shots below reference both the notes table and the books table.
I want to have the relations show up in both tables (i.e. bi-directional). this is something that I have used in notion.so where it is built-in functionality when you establish the relation between the two tables. (one-way or bi-directional).
I have created a simple lookup to solve this. It would be great if when choosing Lookup from table Coda asks if you want to have a one-way or bi-directional relationship.
I also use the notes table where I reference other notes within the same table. The nice thing about notion.so is when you create a relation between one note to another note, it can automatically create the relation from parent to child and child to parent automatically.
I should accomplish the same thing using LOOKUP() correct?
This is how I would expect it to function as well. I find lookups in coda challenging as the are forced one-way and you cannot create a select box on both related tables (one always needs to be a formula). +1 to adding this functionality.