Creating Full-Page Embed via API


I am trying to use the Coda API to create a full-page Google Docs Embed

I can create the page but not the embed content.

I am getting a 400 error rejecting the JSON body of my API request.

What should I change in this syntax?

{ "name": "AI Result", 
"pageContent": { 
"type": "embed", 
"embedUrl": "" 
} }

I think the problem is that the field holding the URL should be "url" not "embedUrl":

You can find that documentation here, and you need to click on one of the second object button to see the details for the embed payload.

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Indeed - that works perfectly Eric. Huge thanks.

That lets me take content from a temporary sync table and create a permanent but editable version of it posted right in the same document as a Google Doc embed. Supremely useful.

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