Custom Sort Order - Sort by High, Medium, Low

This should be inbuilt into the product at some point but for now here is a hack to get your table to sort in the way you want it ( High, Medium, Low)

Basically you create another table with the priority list and ranking.
Make your priority (in task table) a lookup to it.
Add a column that projects the ordering and then sort by that column. You can hide the column to keep it looking clean


@mallika Another hack I’ve seen in Excel (not as clean) is just putting a number in front of the priority level so you can do a quick sort on the column:



Yes, that way a good one too. Just not clean and easy to manipulate but it works.

Currently trying to switch over from clickup and airtable. Wish this had been easier to do and find - spent so much time looking for the answer. Still struggling to make it work.

I am almost sure I’ve already seen this feature in coda.
do you know if it’s now possible to do it natively ? :slight_smile:

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2023, this is still the only viable workaround for this functionality :unamused: thank you for your contribution @mallika, you made Coda a little better for me


Any improvements on this? I need to sort a table based on the a select column with this options, in order: Huge, Big, Middle, Little, Tiny

Hi @Baran_Gulmez,

it is still not possible to order text values as described in your example.
For correct sorting, you would need to add a number.


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Can I find a workaround like adding another “related” column. In the related column I will map the words: Huge->1, Big->2, Middle->3, Little->4, Tiny->5. Then I will simply sort the table with the related column. Then I will also hide the related column in the view. How can I can map the words like that in another column?

I just implemented the idea in my previous reply with a formula column:

Switch(thisRow.Column1,“Huge”, 1, “Big”, 2, “Middle”, 3, “Little”, 4, “Tiny”, 5, “-”)

Hi @Baran_Gulmez,

I would still recommend the method Mallika showed back then:

I just created a quick demo. Please take a look at it:

Best regards

Why should I prefer that solution? Is it computationally less expensive?

Hi @Baran_Gulmez,

I do not think so.
It’s just a different style, I guess. But you can also do it your way.

I just like to define my values ​​in tables and not in formulas, and I really like to have a clean structure. Plus, that’s how it was taught to me by other experts when I first started using Coda and learning how to do things.
And I would also recommend it to other beginners based on the points mentioned.
