Displaying a table inside a canvas column

@Breno_Nunes Do you specifically need that invoice implemented as a Coda page/canvas?

It might be possible with the HTML+SVG trick and the button to render the page as HTML, however the output won’t look like the one in Coda — it will look like the one when you send a page to email with Gmail pack (i.e. tables are very dense and overall spacing is off.) What I’m trying to say here is that you won’t be able to get the design just as you’d like it.

When I last needed a specific look of an invoice I implemented this with custom Word-generated (could be Sheets-generated) HTML+CSS that I then put into Coda:

But do you need these rendered live in the table anyway?
Just make a page in Coda that will be filled out with appropriate data filtered by a lookup control somewhere, print it to PDF and attach it to the table.

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