Do you know of any built-in or add-on support for MathML or other good mathematical representation language

UseCase :
Context : Coda as a lab notebook / product design notebook. Secondary use as learning / onboarding tool
Need : Besides graphs & text, allow some formal concepts to be used in the discussion / documentation.
The minimal need would be to allow MathML or equivalent to be integrated (not just as an image) in page.
A dedicated math-block would be fine.
Ideally we would be able to write some scripts that allow us to parse the info and do some stuff with it (e.g. create graph or other visual)
Possible extensions : integration with one of the math engines out there (Maple, Mathematica, Matlab), or (preferably) with a online services with similar features.

I noticed Notion has some basic support for it, but haven’t found in in Coda yet.

Thx for feedback.

Hi, thanks for your question. I checked our packs gallery and also asked around, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to find anything similar to what you’re asking for. If I hear about something, I’ll do my best to circle back and let youknow.


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thx for checking !
Hopefully someone will have the time & skills to create a pack one of these days …

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