Docs with Dark Backgrounds and Light Text Colors

It would be really great if we could easily “ Create & publish Coda docs with dark backgrounds and light text fonts .”

‘Dark Mode’ apps, themes, web pages, and device settings are very popular now. So, it’s important to be able to create Coda docs that will look good when embedded or viewed on websites and devices that also have darker themes and backgrounds.


Hey JT! Dark mode is definitely something we’ve discussed. This isn’t the feature you’re looking for, per se, but many of use Dark Reader in the evenings until we build the real thing.

We intend to build a native feature that would enable this for internal and published docs, but hopefully this will be easy on the :eyes: in the meantime.

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Thx for your reply, @Joe! So glad to hear you are actively developing the dark background capability for internal/published docs!

I’m also currently using Dark Reader, and my organization is really looking forward to being able to natively publish and embed Coda docs that integrate and look great on websites and mobile apps with dark themes! I’d be happy to help beta test when you’re getting closer. Dark themes are becoming more and more pervasive on the web…
-JT :sunglasses:

FWIW, a lack of dark mode will likely keep us off this platform and on a competitor that has it. Dark mode is critical to our work.

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Yes, native Coda options for formatting font, table, and background colors on docs are becoming more and more important - especially with the ability to publish and ‘embed’ docs and tables on other sites.

The bland ‘stark-white-only’ option for docs looks visually unappealing when published/integrated on websites with darker and more colorful schemes.

Please provide native color/formatting capabilities Coda! :innocent:


The absence of a clean dark mode is what prevents me and I guess a lot of people from transitioning from Notion to Coda. Whenever you have to work with text, eyes fatigue is a real issue. Coda’s UI is awesome, but as long as my eyes will hurt while looking at it will sadly be a deal breaker. :confused:


Hey Joe! Out of curiosity, are there any plans to make Dark mode happen in Coda this year?

This might sound hyperbolic but it’s unfortunately true – I was feeling really dissatisfied with Notion, and was seriously considering competitors like Coda and Slite, until I discovered Notion’s dark mode. IMO, Notion’s dark mode color scheme / design is so, so nice that it single-handedly convinced me to keep using Notion – couldn’t say why, but I’ve found myself so much more productive with it in dark mode than in light mode. Slite also has a dark mode, but I hated the design and color scheme so much that I haven’t touched it since.

If Coda added a beautifully designed dark mode a la Notion, it might be all I need to push me over the edge and try switching, who knows. :upside_down_face:

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It is not a replacement for a proper dark mode, but in the meantime you could try coda with Dark Reader extension (firefox/chrome).

It does a pretty good job for me with all kinds of websites, though I was relieved when github (example) introduced a proper dark mode, as there is a (barely detectable) performance overhead when applying styles after the fact.

We’d love for you to give our Beta release of dark mode a try: Launched: Dark mode [Beta]

Thank you, Andrew,
The new dark mode is awesome - and a user-level ‘Dark Mode’ setting is a great 1st step!. For so long, many of us (including me) have been compensating for the lack of ‘dark mode’ by using the Chromium ‘Dark Reader’ add-on. So, this is great news that so many other users can now easily ‘switch’ dark mode on easily without the need for any browser add-ons.

What is STILL really needed at this time is the ability to define custom default Doc page BACKGROUND and TEXT colors - that will appear when the doc is publicly or privately published in the gallery and/or embedded on other web pages/sites.

Right now, if I embed a table/graph/section from a Coda Doc on web page/site with a dark theme, these elements all default to a stark/boring WHITE background. And these embeds looks really disintegrated.

Also, specialty docs, white papers, brochures, etc. are often ‘themed’ and published with rich colorful backgrounds and contrasting font colors, are not possible to produce in Coda – so this new user-level dark mode setting does little to help with this issue or enforce a consistent doc look/theme across all users.

Conclusion/Suggestion: Provide the ability to specify custom ‘doc background’ and ‘font’ colors as part of the basic document properties. Docs that have these colors customized would retain these themed colors when viewed/published/ or embedded on other websites. Coda docs that use the default/un-customized colors would be displayed according to each individual user ‘light/dark’ appearance setting.

What do you think of this idea/suggestion? (Thanks for listening) :slight_smile:

Hey Coda team,

The dark mode is awesome indeed and looks super cool when creating/editing a document. In my company, we want to use Coda to share results with a lot of external clients. However, when you share a link to a doc with someone who does not have a Coda account, they cannot toggle on the dark mode.

Can you give me an estimation when this dark mode will be available for any view? This would be amazing!

Thanks so much,